Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Chapter Eighteen

The next morning Charlotte had made breakfast for herself and the three others in the household and apologized fairly thoroughly about that she was so cross yesterday. Her husband suspected that she wanted to poison him, and dare eat any of it. She felt cross again, but tried to repress i this time. Even so, he didn't dare touch his breakfast.
ـِـ I feel strange, he explained to her, when there's reason to believe you're trying to make me have it you really care about me. Somehow I feel secure about you in this home, as for now, when you're not trying to be polite. Because I think there's no reason to believe that polite surface of yours doesn't hide something from me.

His ex wife looked very troubled.
ـِـ OK. Then I'll taste your tea and biscuits before you. If you want it, at least. We can also exchange biscuits or so if you want to.

ـِـ But how can I then feel sure that you don't want to be foolish enough to poison us both?! ... As a matter of fact, I don't know if I can dare have you here any longer!

She looked at him in chock.
ـِـ My, Richard!

ـِـ I even want you to move home to your father and mother! It's not safe, as far as I can tell to have you here!

After a few seconds she responded:
ـِـ Yeah! OK, I'll move out! ... For now at least. But I'll leave most of my stuff here to see if I can come back next week or so.

ـِـ I guess you can come back and fetch most of your stuff later! Yeah, that suits me just fine. Now, go before I have you seem to be the lunatic you probably are!

She sobbed a little while leaving the kitchen, and going in to her room to pack what she considered the necessities. Richard, who didn't need to leave for about half an hour, waited for fifteen minutes and then called a cab, before following her to their bedroom. There she had already packed two full suitcases and was opening a third one.

ـِـ I thought you said you were coming back for it! So why pack it now!? Besides, how are you going to carry all that stuff?

She looked at him.
ـِـ OK, Richard! But remember, what's mine is mine. It should be here for me when I come back!

He wondered why she thought he wouldn't let her come back for what was hers.
ـِـ Yes, of course, he answered.

She hesitated.
ـِـ I need to call a cab or something. I mean the bus is too crowded for me with the suitcases and stuff.

He smiled at her.
ـِـ I already have. It should be here by now.

She took one suitcase in each hand and started walking out towards the door.

He followed fairly closely behind her. When she stopped to open up the apartment door he regretted a little that he hadn't walked before her. He was not amused at all by seeing her struggle with pretending that it wouldn't be better.

She opened the door, and said that now she would leave for them, but would he help her pay for the cab?

He thought for a moment then said:
ـِـ Yes, I'll pay for half of the trip, but only directly to the cab driver. And do you know what? You should give me that key that goes here, because I'm really afraid that you'll come back and poison my food some other day otherwise.

She sighed.
ـِـ Yeah. OK.
She struggled for the keys her while they still awaited the elevator.
ـِـ OK, here they are, she said when she finally got them out.

He took them just before the elevator arrived, and helped her in with the suitcases.

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